Nebraska Wheat Board calls for proposals for fiscal year funding

The Nebraska Wheat Board is issuing its call for funding proposals for consideration for the 2018-2019 fiscal year. Proposals should be submitted no later than 5 p.m. CST on Feb. 2.

Individuals or organizations requesting funding must propose a service or project in one of the five areas NWB is directed by statute to invest in: research, international marketing, domestic marketing, federal farm policy development and publicity and education. All proposals must be submitted electronically in PDF format to [email protected] by the stated deadline, may not exceed five pages in length and should not be in the form of contracts. Additional information or guidelines for submission can be found on the NWB website

Submitters should also note that projects funded by NWB may be subject to share licensing fees or royalties; NWB funds cannot be used for facilities and/or administrative costs, also known as overhead; NWB funds cannot be used to buy brick and mortar or physical buildings; NWB funds cannot be used to directly or indirectly influence state policy or candidates for office; and NWB funded projects may be subject to peer review.

NWB policy requires two readings by the board of funding proposals over $2,500. The first reading of funding proposals will occur at the NWB meeting currently scheduled February 19-20, 2018. Information regarding the meeting can be obtained by contacting the NWB office. The second reading of proposals will occur at a future NWB meeting, the date of which will be arranged by the board during the February meeting.

Funding for projects in fiscal year 2018-2019 will come from monies collected by NWB pursuant to the Nebraska Wheat Resources Act. As such, available funding is contingent upon research and development fees collected and the wheat checkoff, which is in turn affected by acres of wheat grown, production yields of wheat, price and wheat marketing.

Questions about the funding proposal process may be directed to NWB executive director Royce Schaneman at 402-471-2358 or [email protected].

The Nebraska Wheat Board administers the check-off of 0.4% of net value of wheat marketed in Nebraska at the point of first sale. The board invests the funds in programs of international and domestic market development and improvement, policy development, research, promotion and education.