Home and Family

The Kansas Value Added Foods Lab is hosting a two-day online class to help food operators and manufacturers learn the correct procedures for producing thermally processed acidified foods. (Photo courtesy of Kansas State University Research and Extension.)

K-State food scientist outlines steps to canning frozen food safely

  • By Pat Melgares │ K-State Research and Extension
Bible - Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash.


House Plans

French Style Cheesecake with Vanilla Wafer Crust. (Photo courtesy of Family Features.)
K-State livestock economist Glynn Tonsor says the five most common meat preparation practices reported by consumers are intentionally buying cuts with more fat, letting a product sit before cooking, patting meat dry, adding seasonings and applying sauces. (Photo: K-State Research and Extension news service)

Survey: Meat preparation tactics differ between cuts

  • By Jacob Klaudt │ K-State Research and Extension news service
Child car seat for safety in the rear passenger seat of a car. (Photo: iStock - Vladdeep)

Expert tips to prevent child deaths in hot cars

Woman feeling relaxed gardening in her garden (Photo: iStock - Dejan_Dundjerski)

Ready or not: It’s time to plant the fall vegetable garden

  • By Pat Melgares │ K-State Research and Extension
Boy sliding into base during a baseball game (Photo: iStock - stu99)

Youth sports engagement: what is right for my child?

  • By Eva Timothy │ Utah State University Extension