Warmer than average temperatures reported

Wyoming experienced warmer than average temperatures for the month of December 2017, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Mountain Regional Field Office, Wyoming. Twenty-one of the 34 reporting stations reported above average temperatures for the month with the high temperature of 70 degrees recorded at Buffalo-Johnson and Sheridan, and a low of 26 degrees below zero at Shirley Basin. Above normal moisture was reported at 18 of the reporting stations with one station reporting no precipitation. Yellowstone reported the most moisture with 2.25 inches.

A reporter from north central Wyoming indicated that they had received snow and negative temperatures for the last three weeks. They also indicated that so far the livestock seem to be doing well and they could use more snow pack in the mountains. A reporter from south central Wyoming indicated that so far they have had a mild and dry winter. They also indicated that they have had a lot of wind but have not needed to feed very much, but they are concerned about spring moisture. Another reporter from south central Wyoming indicated that they are below normal in moisture at the lower elevations. A reporter from southeastern Wyoming indicated that they have had snow cover and frigid temperatures. Hay and roughage supplies for Wyoming were rated 1 percent very short, 19 percent short, and 80 percent adequate. Stock water supplies across Wyoming were rated 12 percent very short, 28 percent short, and 60 percent adequate.