Oklahoma Sorghum Growers set to hold annual 2018 producers meeting

The Oklahoma Sorghum Growers Association will be holding its annual meeting Jan. 12 at the Hoover Building at the fair grounds in Enid, Oklahoma.

“Our meeting coincides with the Enid farm show. It will be a good opportunity for farmers and folks in the agribusiness to attend the meeting, have some lunch and get to hear a great line up of speakers,” said Jordan Shearer, executive director of the Oklahoma Sorghum Association.

Keynote speakers for the event include Congressman Frank Lucas, J.D. Strong, director of the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Joe Neal Hampton, executive director of the Oklahoma Wheat Growers and Josh Lofton, Oklahoma State Extension. The slate of speakers will cover a range of topics ranging from the status of the farm bill, to programs available to producers, outlook for the state of Oklahoma this coming year, as well as updates on yield variety trials and agronomic advice for the coming year.

“In 2017, we saw some phenomenal yields out in the panhandle but production downstate was mixed due to lack of timely moisture in a lot of cases. Thankfully the sugar cane aphid was not as big of a problem for growers as it had been the previous years,” Shearer said. “With these incredibly tight margins coupled with low prices grain sorghum is still a competitive summer crop for a lot of growers rotations.”

The basis has improved immensely due to international demand for sorghum, particularly China, and is currently priced at a premium to corn in Enid.

Those interested in attending the meeting are encouraged to RSVP to Jordan Shearer at 405-612-2843 or email jordan@sorghumgrowers.com.