Program on fencing law set for Feb. 13
University of Missouri Extension will offer a one-night program on Missouri’s fence laws 6:30 to 9 p.m. on Feb. 13 at locations throughout the state.
“This is one of MU Extension’s most popular programs,” said Joe Koenen, MU Extension agriculture business specialist. Koenen has presented programs on Missouri fencing law for more than 25 years.
Koenen and other extension specialists will offer insight into fence maintenance for row crop, livestock and small-acreage owners. The program helps landowners and renters understand their legal and financial responsibilities. Koenen will give updates on a Missouri fence law that went into effect in 2016.
Missouri’s fencing laws are complex, Koenen says. The state has a general fence law and 19 counties have a local fence law.
“It is important for property owners and renters to understand the unique standards of each,” he says.
Extension specialists are present at each of the program sites. Attendees can ask questions or make comments from each location through Skype or Zoom.
Contact Koenen at or 660-947-2705 for more information. There is a fee for the program and materials.
Feb. 13 meetings are scheduled as follows:
St. Joseph—MU Extension Center in Buchanan County, 4125 Mitchell Ave;
Memphis—Scotland County Memorial Hospital, South Library conference room, 450 E. Sigler Ave;
Butler—Butler Public Library, 100 W. Atkison Ave;
Bethany—North Central Career Center, 1401 Daily Road;
Richmond—MU Extension Center in Ray County, 1015 W. Royale St;
Princeton—MU Extension Center in Mercer County, 807 E. Hickland St;
Stockton—Cedar County Library, 717 East St; and
Fredericktown—location to be determined.
The MU Extension publication “Missouri’s Fencing and Boundary Laws: Frequently Asked Questions” (G811) is available for free download at