Newell sheep sales report

The St. Onge Newell Sheep Yards, Newell, South Dakota, reported receipts of 376 head selling on March 22, compared to 513 head a week ago and 236 head last year, according to the USDA-South Dakota Department of Agriculture Market News, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

Compared to a week ago, good slaughter ewes were selling $3 lower, other classes were not well compared. There was good demand for several packages of slaughter ewes and a package of feeder lambs, very good demand for several packages of bred ewes that sold on a very active market. There were several cancellations due to muddy roads. The offering consisted of 4% feeder lambs, 55% bred and replacement ewes, 41% slaughter ewes and bucks.

Slaughter ewes: Good and choice 2 to 3, fleshy, 31 head, 122 lbs., 61.00. Good 2 to 3, fleshy, 138 to 152 lbs., 50.50 to 53.00 (51.84); 33 head, 173 lbs., 52.00. Good 3 to 4, fleshy, 10 head, 216 to 230 lbs., 46.00 to 48.00 (46.83).

Feeder lambs: Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 14 head, 79 lbs., 194.00.

Bred/replacement ewes: Medium and large frame 1 to 2, whiteface, 76 head, 198 to 221 lbs., 4 years to solid 225.00 to 235.00; 12 head, 190 lbs., mixed 215.00 pairs; 14 head, 216 to 223 lbs., solid 170.00 to 190.00; 51 head, 172 lbs., short term 105.00.