Grazing permit renewal process workshop April 13 in Baggs

Practical guidance for navigating the grazing permit renewal process is being offered April 13, in Baggs.

The workshop is 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Valley Community Center, 255 W. Osborne St., with a break for lunch, said Glenn Owings, University of Wyoming Extension educator.

Wyoming and Colorado ranch owners and managers and federal grazing permit holders and local policy makers are invited.

The cost is free with lunch included. Interested persons are asked to RSVP to Owings, or for more information, at 307-367-4380 or email

Those attending can learn how they can be involved in the permit renewal process, gain the tools to know what to do and who to call when they don’t, said Owings.

Participants include the Wyoming and Colorado Departments of Agriculture, Wyoming and Colorado ranchers, UW Extension, Budd-Falen Law Offices, Dick Loper of the Wyoming State Grazing Board, the Little Snake River Conservation District and BLM and U.S. Forest Service representatives.