Late storms delay planting

Wyoming experienced warmer than normal temperatures for the month of March, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Mountain Regional Field Office, Wyoming. Twenty-one of the 35 reporting stations reported above average temperatures for the month with the high temperature of 71 degrees recorded at LaGrange and Torrington, and a low of 15 degrees below zero at Yellowstone. Below normal moisture was reported at twenty-two of the reporting stations with two stations (Lander and Newcastle) reporting no precipitation.

Wyoming experienced cooler than normal temperatures for the week ending April 1. Twenty-six of the 31 reporting stations reported below average temperatures for the week with the high temperature of 68 degrees recorded at Lander, and a low of 3 degrees below zero at Yellowstone. Above normal moisture was reported at 21 of the 32 reporting stations with four stations reporting no precipitation. Sheridan reported the most moisture with 1.39 inches. A reporter from Northwest Wyoming indicated that some late storms have delayed planting. They also indicated that although no planting has occurred farmers are working the ground when they get a chance. A reporter from Western Wyoming stated that they have been getting moisture off and on which has made it difficult to get fieldwork done.