Holton auction market owner and stocker operator Dan Harris has been elected to a two-year term as chairman of the Kansas Beef Council. He will lead the KBC Executive Committee, which is the body responsible for determining how checkoff dollars are best spent to build beef demand.
Harris owns and operates Holton Livestock Exchange. He also currently serves as chairman of the board for the Livestock Marketing Association. Harris is a past president of LMA and Kansas LMA, a past Jackson County KLA director and a past president of the Jackson County Livestock Association.
KBC Executive Committee members elected U.S. Premium Beef Vice President of Marketing Tracy Thomas of Leawood as vice chairman. Thomas oversees marketing and promotion programs for USPB, which is a producer-owned beef processing system that supplies high-quality, value-added beef products to the global market. In addition to his leadership with KBC, he currently sits on the Kansas City Agricultural Business Council Board of Directors.
The KBC Executive Committee is composed of representatives from all industry segments, including cow-calf, stocker, cattle feeding and beef processing. These volunteer members decide the most efficient and effective uses for checkoff dollars collected and retained in Kansas. About 85 cents of each dollar collected in Kansas is forwarded to the Beef Board or Federation of State Beef Councils to fund programs nationwide.