Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Foundation launches fire relief fund

A relief fund has been established by the Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Foundation to help Cattlemen who have been affected by on-going wildfires in western Oklahoma.
"Oklahoma wind and drought conditions spurred several large fires on the western side of the Oklahoma yesterday affecting many cattlemen," said Tiffani Pruitt, coordinator of the OCF, a charitable arm of the Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Association. "One thing we’ve learned from the wildfires in the past few years is that folks are quick to want to help those in unfortunate situations, and that is truly humbling. The OCF is happy to provide a place for funds to be held. We will coordinate with the Extension Offices in the effected areas to organize relief efforts and to identify ranchers that are in need."
According to Michael Kelsey, executive vice president of the Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Association, "OCA is coordinating with Extension, The Farm Service Agency and others to bring information to ranchers about disaster assistance. We humbly ask for prayers for ranchers, firefighters and folks in the paths of these devastating fires."
One-hundred percent of donations will be distributed to ranchers who have been affected by the fires. You may donate to this relief effort by mail or online. Make checks payable to Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Foundation, with "Fire Relief" in the memo line and send to P.O. Box 82395., Oklahoma City, OK 73148. To donate online, visit www.okcattlemen.org.
The Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Foundation was created to provide a charitable trust for the Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Association. The Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Association is the trusted voice of the Oklahoma beef cattle industry and has members in all 77 counties in Oklahoma. To join or learn more visit www.okcattlemen.org.