
Read Romans 8:12-17 —Romans 8:15 (CEB)

You received a Spirit that shows you are adopted as [God’s] children. With this Spirit, we cry, “Abba, Father.”

Nine years ago when I held my first-born child, Melina, for the first time, I knew I had what had been missing in my life. I knew that right there in that hospital with Melina, I was right where God wanted me. Now with five wonderful children, four girls and one boy, I can see myself in them: in my son David’s protective instinct, in Melina’s creativity and sense of humor, in Serena’s feisty spirit, in Ellie’s need for hugs, in Faith’s silliness. Yet, when we are together in public, people often stare at us, probably because my children are Hispanic and I am not; all of them are adopted.

When I look at my kids, all I see is Melina, Ellie, David, Serena and Faith. They are the joy of my life. I often smile when I remember the way I see my children is the way God sees each of us; God delights in us. No matter what our experience with earthly fathers, having God as our parent means that we have access to safety, love, guidance, help, courage and home. The apostle Paul reminds us of this personal, loving relationship we can have with God when he uses the words, “Abba, Father.” As God’s children, we find our identity and our home.

Prayer—Abba, Father, thank you for adopting us into your family. Help us to love you and to extend your love to others. Amen.

Thought for the Day—Because we are God’s children, we always have a home.

Stephen Johnson (California)