Wet, cold conditions limit fieldwork

Wyoming experienced near normal temperatures for the week ending April 15, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Mountain Regional Field Office, Wyoming. Fifteen of the 34 reporting stations reported below average temperatures for the week with the high temperature of 76 degrees recorded at Old Fort Laramie, and a low of 3 degrees at Yellowstone. Below normal moisture was reported at 25 of the 34 reporting stations with eight stations reporting no precipitation. Yellowstone reported the most moisture with 1.29 inches. A reporter from Western Wyoming indicated that not a lot of fieldwork is being done with the weather being mostly wet and cold. A reporter from Southeastern Wyoming noted that below average temperatures have slowed range and pasture green-up. Hay and roughage supplies for Wyoming were rated 10 percent very short, 20 percent short, 61 percent adequate, and 9 percent surplus. Irrigation water supply across Wyoming was rated 2 percent poor, 95 percent good, and 3 percent excellent. Stock water supplies across Wyoming were rated 3 percent very short, 12 percent short, and 85 percent adequate.