Drought conditions intensify

Although there was some measurable moisture reported in isolated areas in the northern part of the state, drought conditions intensified during the week ending April 22, leading to increased irrigation and supplemental feeding, as well as the further deterioration of pasture and range grasses, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Mountain Regional Field Office, New Mexico. The United States Drought Monitor released on April 19 showed that exceptional drought (D4) had expanded to cover 6.6 percent of the state. Conditions rated abnormally dry or worse continued to blanket 99.9 percent of New Mexico. Overall, topsoil moisture levels were reported as 10 percent adequate to surplus, compared with 9 percent last week, 38 percent last year, and a 5-year average of 30 percent. Spring fieldwork was ongoing, with row crops being planted as conditions allowed. Precipitation was recorded at 19 out of 42 reporting weather stations. The largest moisture accumulation was reported at Clayton, where 1.86 inches fell. Tucumcari, with 1.78 inches, was the only other station to report rainfall over 1 inch. Freeze damage in all crops was reported as 10 percent light and 1 percent moderate. There was no hail damage reported. Wind damage in all crops was reported as 27 percent light, 15 percent moderate, and 2 percent severe.