Late spring storms slow planting

Wyoming experienced above normal temperatures for the week ending April 29, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Mountain Regional Field Office, Wyoming. Twenty-six of the 34 reporting stations reported above average temperatures for the week with the high temperature of 84 degrees recorded at Buffalo-Johnson and a low of 12 degrees at Yellowstone. Below normal moisture was reported at 30 of the 34 reporting stations with six stations reporting no precipitation. Torrington reported the most moisture with 0.61 inches. A reporter from Northwestern Wyoming indicated that late spring storms have slowed planting and crops are behind. A reporter from North Central Wyoming stated that recent precipitation has helped green up the rangeland. A reporter from Western Wyoming reported it had been very dry until a storm hit late in the week. A reporter from South Central Western Wyoming stated that it has been windy and dry. A reporter from Southeastern Wyoming noted that snow pack in the mountains is about gone and irrigation storage is low. Another reporter from Southeastern Wyoming stated that they had wildly fluctuating temperatures but farmers were able to get fieldwork done.