Leopold Conservation Award program seeks Missouri nominees

Know a Missouri farmer, rancher or forester who goes above and beyond in the care and management of natural resources? Nominate them for the 2018 Missouri Leopold Conservation Award.

Sand County Foundation, the nation’s leading voice for conservation of private land, presents the Leopold Conservation Award to private landowners in 13 states for extraordinary achievement in voluntary conservation.

In Missouri, the $10,000 award is presented annually by Sand County Foundation and Missouri Farmers Care.

“The Leopold Conservation Award is an excellent venue for Missouri’s agriculture community to highlight the great work of farmers, ranchers and foresters,” said Alan Wessler, D.V.M, MFC chairman. “These efforts are firmly rooted in enhancing the stewardship of their farming and ranching operations with regards to conservation. This program highlights farmers’ best practices and purpose to meet an ultimate goal: leaving the land in as good or better shape for the next generation.”

Nominations may be submitted on behalf of a landowner, or landowners may nominate themselves. The application can be found at www.mofarmerscare.com or https://sandcountyfoundation.org/uploads/MO-2018-CFN-HiRes.pdf.

Applications can be emailed to MFC Outreach Coordinator, Kari Asbury, at kari@mofarmerscare.com or mailed to Missouri Farmers Care, c/o Kari Asbury, 4481 Brown Station Road, Columbia, Missouri 65202. All applications must be submitted or postmarked by July 20. Finalists will be announced in November with the award presented in December or January 2019.