Wheat tours planned

Attend a wheat plot tour in your area to learn about the crop condition and wheat varieties.  

Kansas Wheat Alliance representatives plan to be in attendance to answer your questions. For more information about the tours, visit http://kswheatalliance.org/news-alert/2018-plot-tours.


May 15—5 p.m., Pauls Valley

May 16—12 p.m., Taloga


May 15—7:30 a.m., Kinsley

May 15—12 p.m., Isabel

May 15—6 p.m., Dodge City

May 16—7:30 a.m., St. John

May 16—5:30 p.m., Pratt

May 17—7 a.m., Hillsboro

May 18—9 a.m., Marquette

May 18—12 p.m., Moundridge

May 18—4 p.m., Inman