Hot, dry conditions accelerate fieldwork

Hot and dry conditions accelerated fieldwork and planting activities for the week ending May 13, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Mountain Regional Field Office, Colorado. Precipitation late in the week was mostly confined to northern and some eastern counties. Northeastern county reporters observed damaging hail and isolated heavy rainfall, although moisture continued to improve dryland crop and rangeland conditions. In east central counties, those who haven’t received moisture noted the winter wheat was severely stressed. High winds were also reported. Southwestern counties missed out on precipitation last week, and reporters noted conditions worsened. In Archuleta and La Plata counties, irrigation water was already shut off with reports of crop losses. Livestock producers continued to sell off due to drought. High winds and extreme fire danger were also reported. In the San Luis Valley, no moisture was received and pastures were noted to be slow-growing. Hay supplies continued to shorten and producers were feeding longer than expected. Fall potato planting really picked up last week and the majority of small grains planting was complete. In southeastern counties, wheat aphid infestations were reported to be severe in areas, with producers swathing some wheat for forage in response. Statewide, calving and lambing were mostly complete. As of May 14, snowpack in Colorado was 46 percent measured as percent of median snowfall. The Southwest and San Luis Valley were 7 and 1 percent, respectively.