Most areas receive precipitation

Wyoming experienced above normal temperatures for the week ending May 13, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Mountain Regional Field Office, Wyoming. Twenty-eight of the 34 reporting stations reported above average temperatures for the week with the high temperature of 85 degrees recorded at Torrington and Wheatland and a low of 26 degrees at Yellowstone. Above normal moisture was reported at 22 of the 34 reporting stations with one station (Evanston) reporting no precipitation. Lander reported the most moisture with 1.99 inches. A reporter from northwestern Wyoming indicated that crops are behind this year. A reporter from western Wyoming stated that they got moisture this past week, which helped green up the rangeland. A reporter from southwestern Wyoming reported that they got a lot of rain but not enough to improve the dry conditions. A reporter from south central Wyoming indicated that the weather has been cool and cloudy with some moisture but not enough. They also stated that unless they get some moisture it will be a short growing season. Irrigation water supply across Wyoming was rated 4 percent fair and 96 percent good.