Flying high

Yesterday I was able to ride in a Kansas National Guard Black Hawk helicopter as a media representative. The event was aimed at promoting recruiting and retention for the Guard in our area.

Admittedly I was a little nervous getting into a helicopter to fly around my hometown of Dodge City, Kansas. I didn’t start getting butterflies in my stomach until they announced since the weather was so nice, they’d be leaving the side doors open on the helicopter.

I dig flying on an airplane, but this open air experience a thousand feet above the ground was a little intimidating. I had my camera, my phone and a headset to deal with, and it felt like I needed two more hands to do it all. At first I was a little disappointed I wasn’t on the outside so I could get better photographs with the camera, but after we took off I was content with my middle seat.

Because it was so loud, earplugs were provided and the headset muffled the noise a little more, but it still left you alone with your thoughts because it was too loud to hear anyone else.

Once in the sky we were able to see a view of the city. I took many, many photographs and a couple videos. What surprised me the most was even though you can see it greening up here on the ground, it’s definitely not as green as I’d like it to be from the sky. Some of the wheat even though it appears good from the ground, from the air it looks sparse in places. I even caught a photo of one farmer out in the field.

My oldest son was worried I’d fall out of the helicopter, but nothing was lost on our trip. I even managed to get a video when we went above his school.

Enjoy the photos from around Dodge City.