Public informational meeting to discuss water right change applications

A public informational meeting will be held on June 21 to discuss the applications submitted by the cities of Hays and Russell to change the use made of water, points of diversions, and places of use for the R9 Ranch water rights. The meeting will be conducted at 1 p.m. at the Twilight Theater, 200 S. Main Street in Greensburg, Kansas.

The meeting will include presentations by the city of Hays, its consultants, and the Kansas Department of Agriculture Division of Water Resources. Discussion will center around understanding the cities’ change applications; the proposed terms and conditions being considered for the change applications’ contingent approval (i.e., the master order and its incorporated individual change approvals); and the cities’ technical work supporting their applications. There will be an opportunity to ask questions during the meeting. 

The presentations will be followed by an opportunity for attendees to make public comments related to the change application process. Submission of written comments will also be allowed through July 12. Video of the presentations will be available for viewing via the KDA-DWR website following the meeting.

For more information about the change application, including all documents related to the application and the form to submit written comments, please visit the KDA-DWR website at Persons who require special accommodations must make their needs known at least five days prior to the meeting. For more information, please contact Chris Beightel at 785-564-6659.