Learn how to price and market calves from a professional cattle buyer

Cattle producers will gain insight into buying and selling calves during a Calf Pricing and Marketing Strategies Workshop hosted by Noble Research Institute consultants from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., June 29, at the Noble Research Institute Oswalt Ranch, located at 18414 Dixon Road in Marietta, Oklahoma.

Workshop participants will gain hands-on experience dealing with all the decisions that go into making a cattle bid and how to use that information to decide on the best marketing strategies for their operations.

“Last fall, we received many phone calls from producers wanting help in comparing marketing options for their calves,” said Jason Bradley, agricultural economics consultant. “It’s not always easy to know which option is the best, yet marketing strategies are among the most important decisions a cattle producer will make. We want to make the process easier for producers through this workshop.”

Consultants will discuss factors that influence bids, shrink and transportation considerations and marketing options, while a professional cattle buyer will provide insight into how a bid is calculated and how various parts of the industry influence bids. Participants will also practice pricing different sets of cattle.

This workshop will demonstrate how to compare available marketing options and select the one that best matches the producer’s needs. It will also provide producers with information on things to consider when getting ready to market their calves, whether at an auction or on personal property.

The registration fee is $25, and lunch will be provided. For more information or to preregister, please visit www.noble.org/events or call 580-223-5810.