Calf certification program shatters enrollment records

The Red Angus Feeder Calf Certification Program, the longest-running and best-recognized USDA Process Verified Program in the beef industry, continues to shatter calf enrollment records. In fiscal year 2017-2018, the FCCP, commonly known to cattlemen and women as the “Yellow Tag” program, grew total enrollments by more than 5 percent and enrolled over 172,000 high quality Red Angus-influenced feeder calves.

Red Angus commercial producers recognize the value of the yellow FCCP tag and continue to see market-topping premiums for a minimal investment in enrollment. The 99-cent tag returns, on average, a $2.80 per hundredweight (cwt) premium, which equates to more than $16 on a 600-pound Red Angus feeder calf—a calf which most often sells at or near the top of the market. Compound that figure across truckloads of calves, and beef producers are quick to realize the value of Red Angus genetics guaranteed by the yellow tag.

The FCCP combines three important components commonly found in successful value-added programs: genetics, source and age verification. Producers who enroll in the FCCP are able to capitalize on stronger demand from feeders and packers to fill Angus product lines. The Red Angus combination of rapid early growth and carcass quality delivers tangible benefits to producers in a highly competitive marketplace.

The FCCP was first established in 1994 and to date nearly 2.5 million head of Red Angus-influenced calves have worn the profitable yellow tag. The tag is available in two options—the traditional visual tag for 99 cents each, or as a combination visual and RFID tag for $3 each. Producers must answer a few breeding and management questions, thereby verifying traceability to at least 50 percent Red Angus breed influence. To learn more or enroll calves in the program, contact Chessie Mitchell at 940-226-4762.

For more information on Red Angus genetics, marketing programs and the FCCP, please visit