Apache Livestock Auction report

The Apache Livestock Auction, Apache, Oklahoma, reported receipts 1,803 head selling on July 12, compared to 1,954 head on June 28 and 1,880 head last year, according to the USDA-Oklahoma Department of Agriculture Market News Service, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Compared to the June 28 sale, feeder steers were selling $4 to $10 higher. Feeder heifers were selling $8 to $10 higher. In steer calves, there were not enough comparable calves for a market test but a higher undertone was noted. Heifer calves were selling $3 to $6 higher. Quality was good to attractive with improved demand. The supply included 55% over 600 pounds and 36% heifers. Slaughter cows were selling $2 to $3 lower. Slaughter bulls were selling $2 steady. Packer demand was moderate. A total of 305 cows and bulls sold with 52% going to packers.

Feeder steers: Medium and large frame 1, 456 to 467 lbs., 166.00 to 173.50 (169.73); 20 head, 514 to 530 lbs., 164.00 to 167.00 (165.82); 5 head, 536 lbs., 157.00 fleshy; 550 to 595 lbs., 161.50 to 172.00 (166.09); 561 to 570 lbs., 150.00 to 159.50 (156.92) fleshy; 18 head, 601 to 628 lbs., 158.00 to 161.00 (158.95); 35 head, 620 lbs., 154.50 calves; 17 head, 651 to 666 lbs., 156.50 to 163.50 (160.16); 650 to 691 lbs., 140.50 to 150.00 (146.45) calves; 741 to 743 lbs., 150.00 to 152.50 (150.80); 16 head, 785 to 786 lbs., 143.00 to 148.25 (146.61); 813 to 831 lbs., 142.25 to 148.00 (145.47); 850 to 882 lbs., 139.50 to 143.75 (141.86). Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 8 head, 433 lbs., 169.00. Medium and large frame 3, 6 head, 481 lbs., 64.00 Longhorn.

Feeder bulls: Medium and large frame 1, 12 head, 301 to 309 lbs., 179.00 to 181.00 (180.18); 7 head, 384 lbs., 165.00; 8 head, 523 lbs., 157.50; 560 to 583 lbs., 145.00 to 150.00 (146.54) fleshy; 5 head, 684 lbs, 145.00 calves; 5 head, 706 lbs., 130.00 calves. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 7 head, 604 lbs., 137.50; 10 head, 665 lbs., 138.00; 25 head, 754 lbs., 133.00. Medium and large frame 3, 6 head, 465 lbs., 63.00 Longhorn.

Feeder heifers: Medium and large frame 1, 5 head, 322 lbs., 155.00; 20 head, 371 to 378 lbs., 146.00 to 149.00 (147.81); 19 head, 417 to 429 lbs., 148.25 to 155.50 (152.01); 11 head, 451 to 465 lbs., 150.00 to 152.00 (150.92); 7 head, 482 lbs., 143.00 fleshy; 503 to 525 lbs., 141.00 to 153.00 (148.31); 564 to 596 lbs., 141.00 to 154.00 (144.86); 9 head, 611 to 623 lbs., 147.50; 7 head, 619 lbs., 140.00 calves; 664 to 679 lbs., 135.00 to 144.50 (141.97); 708 to 726 lbs., 137.00 to 143.50 (140.28); 773 to 781 lbs., 132.00 to 135.00 (134.32); 25 head, 834 lbs., 123.50 to 132.00 (128.84); 7 head, 940 lbs., 110.00. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 5 head, 314 lbs., 138.00; 9 head, 394 lbs., 147.50; 9 head, 587 lbs., 136.00. Medium and large frame 3, 5 head, 644 lbs., 55.00 Longhorn.

Slaughter cows: Breakers, 35 head, 75 to 80% lean, 1100 to 1850 lbs., 58.00 to 62.00; high dressing, 63.50 to 64.50; low dressing, 53.00 to 57.50. Boners, 49 head, 80 to 85% lean, 1175 to 1400 lbs., 58.00 to 62.00; low dressing, 54.00 to 57.00. Lean, 33 head, 85 to 90% lean, 1000 to 1200 lbs., 57.00; low dressing, 50.50 to 53.00. Light, 15 head, 85 to 90% lean, 750 to 1000 lbs., 57.00; high dressing, 65.00; low dressing, 47.00 to 50.50.

Slaughter bulls: Yield grade 1 to 2, 26 head, 1150 to 2100 lbs., 84.00 to 89.50; high dressing, 91.00 to 93.00; low dressing, 79.00 to 83.00.

Replacement cows: All were pre-tested for bangs, pregnancy and age. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 3 to 6 years old, 1050 to 1450 lbs., 6 to 7 months bred, high quality 1085.00 to 1135.00; 1 to 6 years old, 900 to 1400 lbs., 5 to 8 months bred, average quality 935.00 to 1050.00; 2 to 6 years old, 900 to 1200 lbs., 1 to 4 months bred, average quality 825.00 to 985.00; 1 to 6 years old, 800 to 1050 lbs., 2 to 8 months bred, low quality 735.00 to 785.00.

Pairs: Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 4 to 6 years old, 950 to 1050 lbs., with 75- to 125-lb. calves, average quality 1060.00 to 1200.00.