It’s time for Kansas to legalize cannabis

Recently, Kansas approved a $535 million school funding increase. The Governor is relying on an improving economy to cover the cost. Kansans need assurance property, income and sales taxes will not increase!

Colorado reported cannabis stores generated $1.51 billion in 2017. The state made $247 million on cannabis. Forbes reports hemp may create over 25,000 products ranging from food to concrete. It’s time for Kansas to legalize and tax cannabis and hemp to help fund schools.

Why run on full legalization instead of just medical cannabis? When a state legalizes medical cannabis, a database is created. Those with a medical card are in the database. A Californian with a card tried to buy a gun. The background check showed her in the database. The store refused to sell her a gun. She sued. The case went to the Supreme Court. The Court ruled cardholders cannot own a gun. I am on the Nov. 6 general election ballot for governor of Kansas and will ensure databases are not created to prevent people from owning firearms.

—Jeff Caldwell is a Libertarian candidate for governor of Kansas.