
Read Romans 8:28-39 —Romans 8:28 (NRSV)

We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.

In 2016, my brother took a college entrance examination. On the day of the examination, the computer system failed, which led to his losing some already-answered questions and prevented him from completing many others. When the test results were released, he didn’t score well enough for admission. We felt discouraged and questioned God’s promises.

In spite of the situation, we still gathered at night to study God’s word. Reading God’s message to us in Romans 8:28 strengthened our hearts. A week later, we received the news that testing officials had reconsidered the results. They added 40 points to the scores of those who had experienced technical problems during the examination, including my brother. We praised God for such a blessing.

We are often pressured by events that shake our faith and our trust in God. But we can be encouraged, knowing that all things work for our good—not because of our qualifications but because of God’s love and faithfulness. When we remain faithful and continue to trust in God, we can find hope and courage to persevere.

Prayer—Dear Lord, help us to trust you in the midst of life’s challenges, knowing that you are working for our good. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

Thought for the Day—Even when technology fails, Jesus doesn’t.

Esther Nwogwugwu (Rivers State, Nigeria)