Producers make substantial progress on small grain harvest

Minnesota farmers made substantial progress on small grain harvest during the week ending Aug. 5, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Upper Midwest Regional Field Office, Minnesota. There were 5.5 days suitable for fieldwork. Field activities for the week included cutting hay, small grain harvest, and scouting and spraying for aphids.

Topsoil moisture supplies were rated 4 percent very short, 15 percent short, 72 percent adequate and 9 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were rated 3 percent very short, 12 percent short, 69 percent adequate and 16 percent surplus.

Ninety-seven percent of the corn crop was in or beyond the silking stage, 6 days ahead of the five-year average. Forty-five percent of the corn has reached the dough stage, 6 days ahead of average. Corn crop condition fell slightly, to 77 percent good to excellent. Soybeans blooming reached 95 percent, 4 days ahead of average. Eighty-one percent of soybeans were setting pods, over a week ahead of average. Soybean condition rated 74 percent good to excellent.

Ninety-five percent of spring wheat was coloring or beyond, 9 days ahead of last year. Thirteen percent of spring wheat has been harvested, 3 days ahead of last year but in line with the average. Spring wheat condition rated 83 percent good to excellent. Oats were 96 percent in or beyond the coloring stage, 4 days ahead of average. One-third of the oats for grain have been harvested. Oat condition rated 74 percent good to excellent. Barley coloring or beyond reached 96 percent. Forty percent of barley has been harvested, 6 days ahead of average. Barley condition rated 79 percent good to excellent.

Ninety-one percent of the dry edible bean crop was blooming with 76 percent setting pods. Dry edible bean condition rated 79 percent good to excellent. Sunflower condition rated 74 percent good to excellent. Potato condition was rated 94 percent good to excellent with scattered reports of potatoes being harvested. Sugarbeet condition was rated 73 percent good to excellent.