Roth Water Technology Farm to host field day
Kansas State Southwest Research and Extension Center in Garden City and Kansas Water Office will host a field day at Roth Farms near Holcomb on Aug. 15. The event features a threefold opportunity for area irrigation farmers, water managers or anyone interested in the learning about the latest in irrigation technology equipment and management options. It is a perfect opportunity to see and hear firsthand from various research scientists and industry representatives. The event will feature the Roth/Garden City Company Water Technology Farm but the day’s activities and presentations have been expanded to include speakers that are part of the Ogallala Aquifer Program Center Pivot Technology Outreach. In addition, the afternoon will have industry demonstrations on soil water sensor technology. Three events, one location and a free lunch.
The OAP outreach is geared toward celebrating the 40 years of center pivot irrigation research and technology transfer in the region. A series of two public field days were planned, one in Texas (held Aug. 9) and Kansas (Aug. 15) that will provide an overview of the history of center pivot irrigation and associated research in the High Plains; updates on the state of the art in center pivot irrigation; and summaries of research accomplishments and ongoing research and extension efforts. The field days will include special presentations, posters and demonstrations.
Speakers from K-State, Texas A&M, and Oklahoma State and the Kansas Water Office will cover a variety of topics including scheduling using climatic, soil, or aerial based technology, center pivot nozzle package performance, center pivot safety and limited irrigation management.
The program will begin at 10 a.m. and continue through 3 p.m. The field day is located near the corner of Lowe and Ritchel roads, approximately 4 miles northwest of Holcomb, Kansas.
Registration is free but RSVPs are requested by calling 620-275-9164 or emailing [email protected] for the lunch meal or for more information.