Young farmers encouraged to apply for Kansas Corn class

Young farmers are encouraged to apply for Kansas Corn Corps Class 3 by the Sept. 30 deadline at The Corn Corps young farmer program is set up into three sessions along with a domestic trip during the summer. Within these sections, the objective is to learn how you fit into your farm and progress as an individual, how your farm fits into the industry and what opportunities and hurdles we face in the industry along with how we progress as the corn industry.

Corn Corps Class 2 toured and talked with many different agricultural companies and farms on their domestic trip.

“Networking and learning has opened my eyes to see all of the opportunities in agriculture, and to actually be able to see it firsthand has helped to sink in that knowledge even further,” said Garrett Kennedy, Gypsum.

Applications for Kansas Corn Corps Class 3 are being accepted until Sept. 30. Kansas Corn Corps is a program of Kansas Corn Commission and Kansas Corn Growers Association. Applicants can be between 21 to 45 and can be either individuals or couples and need to be a KCGA member. Apply online at