Claims filing deadline in Syngenta corn seed class action is Oct. 12

The Claims Administrator of the settlement reached in regards to Syngenta MIR162 Corn Litigation and other related actions issues the following announcement on behalf of Settlement Class Counsel to remind farmers that the deadline to file a claim in this settlement is Oct. 12.

Settlement Class Counsel, on behalf of all corn producers, reached this settlement with Syngenta of lawsuits over the “Agrisure Viptera” and “Agrisure Duracade” corn seeds and how they were marketed. “This Settlement provides $1.51 billion for corn farmers, landlords, elevators, shippers, and other grain handlers and ethanol plants. Anyone in those groups who has not yet filed a claim form with the Claims Administrator should do so now and must do so before time runs out on October 12, 2018, so they can get paid,” said Settlement Class Counsel.

The easiest way to submit a claim is to use the simple claim form online at Class Members may also call 1-833-567-CORN (1-833-567-2676) to request a paper copy claim form to fill out and send it in to the Claims Administrator at P.O. Box 26226, Richmond, Virginia 23260. After a Claim Form is submitted, the Claims Administrator will contact the claimant on next steps.

For more information, go to the official website for the Settlement at, email the Claims Administrator at [email protected], or call 1-833-567-CORN (1-833-567-2676). The Claims Administrator will help everyone with this process.