Oct. 18 Walk in the woods offers insight to forest management, landownership

Managing woodlands is no walk in the park, but join Yell County tree farm owner Pamela Jolly as she shares the story of her journey into forestry at the Oct. 18 to Walk in the Woods forest management program.

The Walk in the Woods program is an opportunity to walk through privately owned forest with the landowner to learn what they’re doing with their land and why. Walk in the Woods is a part of the Women Owning Woodlands program and this is the second walkthrough of the program.

Jolly’s property is part of the American Tree Farm program and certified by the Arkansas Tree Farm program as meeting certain sustainable forestry criteria.

The program at her property near Danville begins at 9 a.m. and runs through 3 p.m. The $10 registration fee includes lunch, break and materials. Attendees may register online at https://uaex.formstack.com/forms/wow.

For more information, contact twalkingstick@uaex.edu or 501-671-2346.

Jolly will be leading the tour. Her passion for forestry runs deep as she is an active participant of both the Women Owning Woodlands program and a member of the Arkansas Forestry Association.

“The objectives of this walkthrough are really twofold,” said Tamara Walkingstick, associate director of Arkansas Forest Resources Center and extension forester for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture. “One is to give a woman landowner the opportunity to share her story with her peers, and the other is to give them participants the opportunity to see what another landowner is doing.”

“It’s very informal,” Walkingstick said. “Pamela bought this property a few years ago with the intention of managing it as a forest. She is working with foresters and natural resources managers to manage her forest according to her goals for the land.”

This tour will give participants the opportunity to learn about: Challenges of managing forests; successes in forest management; and good practices for forest management.

For more information on forestry in Arkansas, contact your county extension office or visit https://www.uaex.edu/environment-nature/forestry/.