Aggies to host Discovery Day Oct. 8

High school students are invited to explore their academic and financial options during campus visits in October and November at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in Curtis.

“NCTA Discovery Days” will be at the Curtis campus from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Oct. 8, and again Nov. 12. A third session will be March 4, 2019.

Students, their families, guidance counselors and youth leaders are invited to participate in the day of career exploration, said Emily Griffiths, NCTA recruiting coordinator.

“Prospective students explore the NCTA campus, learn about the high quality, low cost education we provide, meet faculty and staff and experience NCTA’s unique learning environment,” said Griffiths.

Griffiths is joined in NCTA recruiting by Juliana Kroeger, assistant coordinator.

The pair have been sharing materials about NCTA programs during regional Educational Planning Programs across Nebraska this month and next.

At Discovery Days students can learn about campus clubs and Aggie organizations, and activities which include intramural sports and intercollegiate teams.

Prospective students will also learn about applying for federal financial aid.

Jodi Vanden Berge, director of College Planning with EducationQuest Foundation, will meet with parents and students in answering questions about financial aid. The day includes opportunity for individual consultations with faculty advisors.

Pre-registration is requested for lunch and tours at

Activities begin at the Nebraska Agriculture Industry Education Center, University and Siminoe Streets, with sign-in and refreshments at 8:30 a.m.