Share state successes, apply for Reaching for Excellence Award

The National Corn Growers Association announced that it is accepting applications for the 4th Annual Reaching for Excellence Award. This award recognizes the innovative solutions developed by state corn associations to address a variety of challenges, spotlights new approaches and encourages the broader adoption of successful advances in other states facing similar challenges.

“Any state corn association or state checkoff board program, project, process, procedure or strategy that has significantly advanced the mission of their association is eligible,” said Engaging Members Committee Chair Brandon Hunnicutt, a farmer from Nebraska. “The goal of the program is to not only recognize excellence across states’ programs and training but, also, to provide the details for other states that need help in those same areas.”

While there is not a formal application, state grower associations and/or state checkoff boards interested in applying should supply a two to three-page narrative that includes the following elements:

Program Summary—a precise two- to three-paragraph description of the program, the need it addressed and its outcome

Program Description—What was the level of effort required and resources used? How many staff members, consultants or volunteers were involved? What were their roles? What was the estimated cost of implementation? Did the program collaborate with other ag or community groups?

Program Evaluation—Describe the qualified or quantified performance outcomes for the program. Why do you consider this program a success? What advice or recommendations would you have for others considering your program?

All types of programs are eligible. Examples of areas which might be submitted include: communications; membership; grassroots; youth leadership; and community outreach. Find examples of past applications on our website at

Please submit the outlined two to three-page narrative documenting programmatic excellence by Nov. 30. All submissions should be sent to Steve Uram at A panel, comprised of members of the Engaging Members Committee, will select the winner. All submissions will be posted on ShareFile to better facilitate the sharing of ideas and successes among NCGA’s state affiliate organizations.

The winning state and program will be recognized during the NCGA Awards Banquet at the 2019 Commodity Classic in Orlando, Florida.