Texas lamb company receives animal welfare certification

Capra Premium Dorper Lamb based in Goldthwaite, Texas, has become the first US based lamb company to receive the Global Animal Partnership’s 5 Step Animal Welfare rating and the highest rating ever issued to a commercial lamb program globally.

GAP, a non-profit 501 (c)3 organization based in Austin, Texas, is one of the largest animal welfare certification labeling programs in North America. The GAP Certification process and labeling program makes it easier for consumers who care about the treatment of the livestock they consume to identify ethically raised animals.

The GAP’s 5 Step Animal Welfare certification process is comprehensive, taking into consideration the living conditions, emotional wellbeing, management, handling and care and diet of the animals for the entire life of the animal. To achieve Step 5 level, lambs and their parents must be raised on pasture for their entire lives. The ranches are thoroughly checked to ensure the animals are humanely handled and never receive any antibiotics, growth hormones or animal by-products. Lambs are also not castrated or tail docked.

GAP Executive Director Anne Malleau commented, “We’re incredibly proud of the work Capra Foods and their ranchers have done to achieve Step 5 certification. Their dedication to animal welfare is something we’re excited to be helping explain to their customers.”

Founder and Managing Partner of Capra Foods, Craig Jones stated “We feel very pleased that our farms have received the world’s highest ranking in animal welfare from GAP. Our group of family ranches throughout Texas put a lot of time and effort into ensuring we raise our animals as nature intended—100 percent grass fed, free to roam on pasture and free from antibiotics.

We feel motivated by both our personal values and by the increase in consumer demand from more discerning meat eaters who care about the welfare and diet of the animals they consume and are willing to pay a premium for it. “

Capra’s farmers raise Dorper Sheep, as opposed to wool sheep, which producer leaner, ‘meat lamb’. They sell their meat across America in more health focused retailers and high-end restaurants. To find out more visit www.caprafoods.com.