Oklahoma State University offers Winter Crops School Dec. 11-12

Registration for the 2018 Oklahoma State University Winter Crops School is now open. The WCS will be held Dec. 11 and 12 at the OSU Student Union, second floor ballroom.

The agenda is finalized and you can expect to hear from some the best scientist and extension specialists in the region. Topics will include: The Pesticide Complaint Process, Bt Resistance, Cotton and Soybean Diseases, Teff production, dealing with Purric Acid in forages, soybean population research, review from Romullo Lollato of what the Kansas wheat yield contest winners did, soil health testing and what happens when we delay nitrogen application in wheat.

The WCS is a great opportunity for CCAs, agronomists and producers to learn about the latest research and management strategies for crop and forage production in the southern Great Plains. For CCAs there will be approximately four credits offered in Integrated Pest Management, four credits in Crop Management, two credits in Nutrient Management, and two credits in Soil and Water Conservation. For certified applicators, there will be approximately four ODAFF CEUs offered.

In conjunction with the WCS, a CCA Exam prep course will be offered on the afternoon of Dec. 12.

Early-bird registration is $125 per person. After Dec. 4, the cost goes up to $200. You can register online at secure.touchnet.com/C20271_ustores/web/store_cat.jsp?STOREID=15&CATID=59.

Again the location has moved from the Wes Watkins Center to the Student Union. We will provide parking in the fourth avenue garage, located across the street south of the Student Union. Do not park in reserved spaces. If attendees wish to park in the Student Union parking garage, they will have to pay the parking fee.

OSU faculty and staff will need to use your own permits and park in appropriate lots per OSU parking policy. OSU Parking Map is available at parking.okstate.edu/parking-map (lot 112G).

Tuesday night’s reception will be held in the State room at the Atherton. We have set up a hotel room block at the Atherton for the rate of $93. To make reservations, call 405-744-6835 and give group code Winter Crop. Hotel reservation deadline is Nov. 15.