Apache livestock auction report

The Apache Livestock Auction, Apache, Oklahoma, reported receipts of 2,735 head selling on Nov. 8, compared to 1,353 head a week ago and 2,221 head last year, according to the USDA-Oklahoma Department of Agriculture Market News Service, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Compared to a week ago, feeder steers and heifers were selling $2 to $4 lower. Steer and heifer calves weighing 300 to 500 pounds were selling $2 to $4 higher, 500 to 600 pounds were selling $5 to $8 lower. Quality was good to attractive with moderate demand. Several drafts of fleshy unweaned calves were selling to only fair demand. The supply included 38% over 600 pounds and 44% heifers. Slaughter cows were selling $2 to $3 lower. Slaughter bulls were selling $2 lower. Packer demand was moderate. A total of 425 cows and bulls sold with 50% going to packers.

Feeder steers: Medium and large frame 1, 9 head, 326 to 335 lbs., 198.00 to 200.00 (198.88); 369 to 376 lbs., 193.00 to 208.00 (200.04); 401 to 445 lbs., 174.00 to 181.00 (176.55); 12 head, 468 to 483 lbs., 170.00 to 177.00 (173.44); 7 head, 480 to 488 lbs., 154.00 to 157.00 (155.30) fleshy; 9 head, 463 lbs., 179.00 thin fleshed; 504 to 548 lbs., 153.50 to 164.00 (159.02); 7 head, 569 lbs., 152.00; 550 to 563 lbs., 145.00 to 151.00 (149.28) fleshy; 635 to 647 lbs., 143.50 to 150.50 (147.55); 601 to 646 lbs., 130.00 to 143.00 (136.09) calves; 12 head, 673 to 698 lbs., 146.50 to 151.50 (149.37); 653 to 693 lbs., 133.50 to 138.00 (135.32) calves; 6 head, 722 lbs., 144.25; 729 to 735 lbs., 132.50 to 135.00 (134.43) calves; 7 head, 704 lbs., 143.00 fleshy; 8 head, 771 to 795 lbs., 148.00 to 148.50 (148.13); 9 head, 766 lbs., 135.00 calves; 18 head, 816 to 823 lbs., 144.00 to 148.00 (146.45). Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 5 head, 340 lbs., 187.00; 5 head, 476 lbs., 146.00; 23 head, 505 lbs., 145.00 fleshy; 550 to 568 lbs., 149.00 to 151.00 (150.59); 7 head, 665 lbs., 145.00; 7 head, 818 lbs., 143.00; 8 head, 884 lbs., 137.00.

Feeder heifers: Medium and large frame 1, 323 to 337 lbs., 150.00 to 161.00 (155.20); 385 to 396 lbs., 150.00 to 150.25 (150.18); 404 to 441 lbs., 137.00 to 147.00 (141.16) fleshy; 450 to 491 lbs., 138.50 to 148.00 (141.37); 451 to 499 lbs., 132.00 to 144.00 (138.28) fleshy; 13 head, 519 to 533 lbs., 136.50 to 144.00 (139.34); 500 to 538 lbs., 124.00 to 134.00 (128.42) fleshy; 557 to 579 lbs., 137.50 to 139.50 (138.77); 564 to 588 lbs., 123.50 to 133.00 (128.25) fleshy; 602 to 644 lbs., 120.00 to 135.50 (126.83) calves; 18 head, 666 to 667 lbs., 120.00 calves; 13 head, 714 to 727 lbs., 120.00 to 126.00 (122.33) calves; 5 head, 810 lbs., 131.00. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 12 head, 429 lbs., 139.50; 8 head, 454 lbs., 133.00 fleshy; 24 head, 831 lbs., 121.85. Medium and large frame 2, 6 head, 448 lbs., 122.00.

Feeder bulls: Medium and large frame 1, 5 head, 344 lbs., 177.00; 13 head, 469 lbs., 155.50; 6 head, 499 lbs., 146.50 fleshy; 15 head, 504 to 512 lbs., 148.00 to 158.00 (154.36); 519 to 547 lbs., 132.00 to 137.00 (134.66) fleshy; 6 head, 638 lbs., 120.00 calves; 5 head, 685 lbs., 115.00 calves; 8 head, 818 lbs., 126.00. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 5 head, 466 lbs., 144.00; 7 head, 572 lbs., 123.00; 6 head, 609 lbs., 121.00 calves.

Slaughter cows: Breakers, 33 head, 75 to 80% lean, 1125 to 1900 lbs., 47.00 to 48.00; high dressing, 54.00; low dressing, 40.00 to 44.00. Boners, 81 head, 80 to 85% lean, 1100 to 1550 lbs., 45.00 to 47.50; high dressing, 50.00; low dressing, 38.50 to 43.50. Lean, 47 head, 85 to 90% lean, 1000 to 1150 lbs., 37.00 to 41.00. Lights, 25 head, 85 to 90% lean, 750 to 1000 lbs., 31.00 to 38.50.

Slaughter bulls: Yield grade 1 to 2, 25 head, 1300 to 2150 lbs., 69.00 to 74.00; high dressing, 75.00; low dressing, 63.00 to 67.00.

Replacement cows: All were pre-tested for bangs, pregnancy and age. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 2 to 4 years old, 950 to 1000 lbs., 2 to 4 months bred, average quality 910.00 to 925.00; 2 to 4 years old, 925 to 1100 lbs., 1 to 4 months bred, low quality 600.00 to 875.00.

Pairs: Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 5 to 6 years old, 1000 to 1200 lbs., with 225- to 300-lb. calves, average quality 1035.00 to 1050.00; 3 to 7 years old, 700 to 1000 lbs., with 200- to 275-lb. calves, low quality 800.00 to 900.00.