Wyoming livestock marketing specialist receives highest honor

Developing programs for ranchers focusing on increased production and efficiency and collaboration with peers are among reasons why a Uinta County University of Wyoming Extension educator has received the organization’s highest honor.

Bridger Feuz, based in Evanston, was presented the Jim DeBree Award at extension’s recent training conference in Casper.

“Bridger Feuz is undoubtedly an exceptional extension educator who contributes significantly to the University of Wyoming’s statewide engagement mission,” said Kelly Crane, associate director of UW Extension.

“Bridger’s resounding success as an extension educator is attributable to his genuine obligation to listen and respond to the contemporary challenges facing Wyoming farmers, ranchers and community members.”

Feuz is extension’s livestock marketing specialist and involved in extension’s range initiative team. Programs he has developed include the Wyoming Master Cattleman Program and Ranch Management Institute. The multi-day workshops focus on topics such as assessing ranch marketing and financial analysis, partial budgeting and investment analysis tools, range management, genetics and livestock risk protection.

At the end of each production strategy session, producers work through examples using tools from earlier sessions. Each strategy is analyzed for its potential from a goals/risk perspective and a financial “what if” analysis.

Feuz started the annual Wyoming-Utah Ag Days, first held in Evanston, two years ago.

Nominators also cited Feuz’s involvement in his local community, his willingness to draw in extension educators from surrounding states for his programs and his involvement in other extension professional areas, including nutrition and youth education.

The Jim DeBree Award is named in honor of the retired Wyoming extension administrator and given to those who demonstrate a high level of professionalism, performance and leadership within their program areas and communities.

Feuz joined UW Extension in 2004.