New Mexico Pecan Buyers Licensure is in effect

If you have a business in New Mexico and plan to purchase in-shell pecans that are grown commercially or from residential trees grown in the state, you must apply for a pecan buyers license with the New Mexico Department of Agriculture.

At the request of the New Mexico Pecan Growers Association, the state legislature passed the Pecan Buyers Licensure Rule earlier this year in an effort to prevent the spread of pecan weevil from infested areas of the state to uninfested pecan growing areas of the state. Pecan growers also point out that the rule will indirectly help deter the increasing problem of pecan theft from residential and commercial properties.

Pecan weevil is considered the most significant insect pest of pecan producers. Pecan weevil was confirmed in approximately 200 residential pecan trees in several eastern New Mexico pecan-growing counties and several commercial pecan orchards. Earlier this year, the state legislature passed the Pecan Weevil Interior Quarantine Rule, which established Eddy, Lea and Chaves Counties as quarantined areas. The quarantined areas have specific restrictions related to the movement of in-shell pecans out of the area.

The rule established licensing fees, licensing requirements and a licensing period. The rule also provides NMDA staff and law enforcement agencies the authority to inspect records to determine the origin of in-shell pecans purchased at each location. The rule may be viewed in its entirety at

Licenses are required for fixed buying locations for a $300 annual fee and for mobile buying units for a $275 annual fee. A permit is required for each location at which a mobile unit will be parked and engaged in the purchase of in-shell nuts for a $25 annual fee.

All applications require a business name, business owner’s name and valid contact information for the person authorized to request a license for each buying location.

Applications for fixed buying locations require:

A physical address or directions for each buying location

A physical address or directions where buying records are maintained

Days and hours of operation, including seasonal deviations

Applications for mobile buying locations require:

Mobile unit description including make, model, year, license plate and color that will be parked and used for the purchase of in-shell pecans

A physical address or directions where buying records are maintained

Physical addresses or directions where each mobile unit will be parked for the purpose of purchasing in-shell pecans

Registration of additional location permits, prior to engaging in the business of purchasing in-shell pecans, for locations not identified in a current and valid license application

Days and hours of operation, including seasonal deviations

All in-shell pecan buyers must maintain records of seller information, including location and date of the purchase, seller contact information and street address or physical location of the tree or the farm from where the in-shell pecans originated. Seller information must include a personal identification number from a valid United States license or passport, as well as a license plate number, make and model of the seller’s motor vehicle. The total weight of the in-shell pecans purchased must also be recorded.

Buyers must ensure record of in-shell pecan purchases available for inspection by NMDA or a peace officer within 48 hours of a transaction.

For an application, click on this link Licenses are valid from Oct. 1, 2018 to Sept. 30, 2019.

For more information, visit or call 575-646-3207.