Springfield livestock market report

The Springfield Livestock Marketing Center, Springfield, Missouri, Dec. 12, reported 100% feeder cattle receipts of 2,054 head selling, compared to 2,636 head a week ago and 1,727 head last year, according to the to USDA-Missouri Department of Agriculture Market News Service, Jefferson City, Missouri.

Compared to a week ago, steers were selling $5 to $10 higher, except 500 weights were selling steady. Heifers under 650 pounds were selling $3 to $5 higher, over 650 pounds were selling steady. Holsteins compared to the Nov. 28 sale, were selling steady to $4 higher. Demand was good, supply moderate. The feeder cattle offering was more manageable after two weeks of heavy receipts. The feeder cattle supply included 32% steers, 16% dairy steers, 39% heifers and 12% bulls. The feeder cattle supply over 600 pounds was 48%.

Feeder steers: Medium and large frame 1, per hundredweight/actual weight, 3 head, 335 lbs., 174.00; 405 to 447 lbs., 171.00 to 198.50 (187.06); 451 to 498 lbs., 163.00 to 187.00 (174.30); 508 to 549 lbs., 153.00 to 165.00 (159.69); 573 to 598 lbs., 143.00 to 154.00 (150.15); 605 to 644 lbs., 143.00 to 154.00 (149.42); 605 to 648 lbs., 133.00 to 147.00 (141.10) calves; 17 head, 650 to 686 lbs., 140.00 to 154.50 (145.31); 20 head, 665 to 690 lbs., 129.50 to 135.50 (134.61) calves; 720 to 745 lbs., 142.00 to 149.00 (146.03); 18 head, 730 to 747 lbs., 129.00 to 142.50 (135.48) calves; 759 to 774 lbs., 138.00 to 154.00 (148.60); 21 head, 789 lbs., 137.50 calves; 7 head, 803 to 823 lbs., 153.00 to 156.00 (154.57). Medium and large frame 1 to 2, per hundredweight/actual weight, 4 head, 313 lbs., 166.00; 3 head, 380 lbs., 166.00; 7 head, 375 lbs., 195.00 thin fleshed; 8 head, 510 to 524 lbs., 151.50 to 160.00 (157.17); 8 head, 561 to 577 lbs., 143.00 to 149.00 (146.71); 13 head, 663 to 693 lbs., 130.00 to 137.50 (136.31); 3 head, 688 lbs., 124.00 calves; 5 head, 725 lbs., 135.00; 4 head, 934 lbs., 127.00. Medium and large frame 2, per hundredweight/actual weight, 6 head, 333 lbs., 147.00 thin fleshed; 6 head, 669 lbs., 117.50. Large frame 1, per hundredweight/actual weight, 7 head, 521 lbs., 140.00. Large frame 2, per hundredweight/actual weight, 5 head, 1101 lbs., 110.50. Medium frame 1, per hundredweight/actual weight, 3 head, 548 lbs., 150.00. Medium frame 1 to 2, per hundredweight/actual weight, 3 head, 387 lbs., 140.00. Medium frame 3, per hundredweight/actual weight, 5 head, 794 lbs., 67.00.

Dairy steers: Large frame 3, per hundredweight/actual weight, 5 head, 227 lbs., 73.00; 9 head, 353 lbs., 75.00; 9 head, 404 to 437 lbs., 81.50 to 85.00 (82.99); 9 head, 436 lbs., 70.00 thin fleshed; 11 head, 470 to 493 lbs., 74.00 to 77.00 (75.11); 4 head, 508 to 510 lbs., 75.00 to 76.00 (75.75); 590 to 597 lbs., 72.00 to 75.00 (73.43); 3 head, 615 to 638 lbs., 73.00 to 74.00 (73.33); 655 to 670 lbs., 70.00 to 73.50 (72.42); 3 head, 702 lbs., 75.50; 18 head, 763 to 773 lbs., 70.00; 800 to 841 lbs., 70.00 to 87.00 (82.22); 14 head, 977 lbs., 65.00; 8 head, 1118 lbs., 61.00.

Heifers: Medium and large frame 1, per hundredweight/actual weight, 7 head, 320 to 338 lbs., 145.00 to 150.00 (146.11); 3 head, 387 lbs., 153.00; 20 head, 402 to 433 lbs., 145.00 to 155.50 (151.55); 13 head, 429 lbs., 156.50 thin fleshed; 450 to 495 lbs., 134.00 to 154.00 (140.12); 500 to 545 lbs., 130.00 to 136.00 (133.21); 552 to 596 lbs., 129.00 to 137.50 (133.18); 615 to 646 lbs., 129.00 to 140.00 (136.67); 605 to 649 lbs., 129.00 to 133.00 (131.03) calves; 653 to 699 lbs., 128.00 to 135.50 (131.75); 19 head, 656 to 681 lbs., 125.00 to 130.00 (128.28) calves; 7 head, 705 to 730 lbs., 127.00 to 131.00 (128.68); 11 head, 746 lbs., 133.00 replacement; 11 head, 761 to 777 lbs., 125.50 to 128.00 (126.28); 19 head, 753 lbs., 119.00 calves; 8 head, 825 lbs., 131.50. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, per hundredweight/actual weight, 13 head, 307 to 339 lbs., 136.00 to 146.00 (141.55); 3 head, 333 lbs., 145.00 thin fleshed; 12 head, 364 to 385 lbs., 135.00 to 139.00 (136.99); 15 head, 423 to 426 lbs., 133.00 to 135.00 (133.66); 8 head, 409 lbs., 150.00 thin fleshed; 20 head, 460 to 494 lbs., 128.00 to 139.00 (133.00); 8 head, 496 lbs., 138.50 thin fleshed; 503 to 548 lbs., 125.00 to 134.00 (130.78); 4 head, 519 lbs., 137.00 thin fleshed; 553 to 595 lbs., 125.00 to 133.00 (128.35); 5 head, 554 lbs., 132.00 thin fleshed; 8 head, 603 to 623 lbs., 125.00 to 132.00 (128.65); 9 head, 663 to 677 lbs., 125.00 to 131.50 (130.50); 8 head, 705 to 747 lbs., 115.00 to 124.00 (119.56); 7 head, 755 to 763 lbs., 115.00 to 116.00 (115.57). Medium and large frame 2, per hundredweight/actual weight, 5 head, 766 lbs., 111.00; 5 head, 817 lbs., 105.00. Large frame 1, per hundredweight/actual weight, 5 head, 611 lbs., 130.00. Medium frame 1 to 2, per hundredweight/actual weight, 3 head, 558 lbs., 129.00.

Feeder bulls: Medium and large frame 1, per hundredweight/actual weight, 5 head, 338 to 340 lbs., 171.00 to 181.00 (175.01); 6 head, 394 lbs., 171.00; 17 head, 424 to 449 lbs., 168.00 to 184.00 (174.69); 15 head, 480 to 496 lbs., 145.50 to 152.00 (148.67); 12 head, 500 to 537 lbs., 137.00 to 152.00 (142.75); 8 head, 597 to 598 lbs., 129.50 to 131.00 (130.44); 7 head, 603 to 616 lbs., 129.00 to 130.00 (129.28) calves; 6 head, 665 to 683 lbs., 127.00 to 128.00 (127.49); 9 head, 663 to 675 lbs., 125.50 to 127.00 (126.49) calves; 5 head, 702 lbs., 122.50 calves; 9 head, 813 to 839 lbs., 100.00 to 119.00 (106.41). Medium and large frame 1 to 2, per hundredweight/actual weight, 6 head, 326 lbs., 180.00; 6 head, 393 lbs., 170.50 thin fleshed; 3 head, 418 lbs., 165.00; 3 head, 410 lbs., 161.00 thin fleshed; 9 head, 466 lbs., 149.00; 11 head, 510 to 528 lbs., 131.00 to 140.00 (133.98); 9 head, 521 lbs., 147.00 thin fleshed; 16 head, 602 to 640 lbs., 129.00 to 130.00 (129.43); 3 head, 635 lbs., 128.00 calves; 4 head, 699 lbs., 118.00 calves; 4 head, 765 to 780 lbs., 100.00 to 104.00 (100.99). Medium and large frame 2, per hundredweight/actual weight, 6 head, 385 lbs., 152.00 thin fleshed; 3 head, 515 lbs., 127.00. Large frame 1, per hundredweight/actual weight, 5 head, 558 lbs., 127.00; 5 head, 689 lbs., 127.00 calves. Medium frame 1 to 2, per hundredweight/actual weight, 3 head, 788 lbs., 110.00.