Clovis cattle sale results

The Clovis Livestock Auction, Clovis, New Mexico, reported receipts of 1,593 head of cattle selling June 5, compared to 1,759 head a week ago and 2,411 head a year ago, according to the USDA-New Mexico Department of Agriculture News, Portales, New Mexico.

Compared to a week ago, steer calves and feeders were mostly selling $6 to $9 lower except 400 to 500 pounds were selling $7 higher. Heifer calves and feeders were selling mostly $2 to $4 lower except 300 to 350 pounds were selling $6 higher. Slaughter cows were trading steady. There was no comparison on slaughter bulls due to very limited receipts. Trade was moderate to active with demand moderate to good. The supply included 82% feeder cattle with 55% steers, 4% were dairy steers, 40% were heifers and 1% were bulls; 6% was slaughter cattle with 88% cows and 12% were bulls; 12% was replacement cattle with 23% bred cows, 76% were cow-calf pairs and 1% were bulls. The feeder cattle supply weighing over 600 pounds was 69%.

Feeder steers: Medium and large frame 1, per hundredweight/actual weight, 6 head, 370 to 392 lbs., 174.00 to 185.00 (179.34); 7 head, 416 to 447 lbs., 176.50 to 184.50 (181.12); 8 head, 450 to 487 lbs., 166.00 to 177.00 (173.18); 12 head, 536 to 546 lbs., 146.00 to 149.00 (148.01); 1 head, 505 lbs., 163.50 thin fleshed; 5 head, 558 lbs., 142.00; 11 head, 649 lbs., 131.50; 35 head, 650 to 675 lbs., 130.50 to 135.00 (133.08); 2 head, 720 lbs., 133.25; 52 head, 800 to 833 lbs., 118.50 to 124.75 (121.32); 95 hed, 860 lbs., 119.25. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 2 head, 382 lbs., 184.00; 3 head, 436 lbs., 161.00; 4 head, 460 to 497 lbs., 155.00 to 162.00 (158.36); 16 head, 616 to 645 lbs., 130.50 to 137.00 (134.16); 26 head, 657 to 685 lbs., 130.00 to 132.50 (131.13); 3 head, 730 lbs., 122.50; 16 head, 751 to 757 lbs., 122.50 to 125.00 (124.69); 88 head, 853 to 877 lbs., 108.50 to 117.00 (115.81). Medium and large frame 2, 3 head, 321 lbs., 176.50 thin fleshed; 1 head, 385 lbs., 167.00; 2 head, 425 lbs., 156.00; 9 head, 456 lbs., 161.00; 17 head, 522 to 548 lbs., 139.25 to 144.00 (141.41); 3 head, 583 lbs., 139.50; 3 head, 551 lbs., 122.00 Mexican origin; 8 head, 605 to 617 lbs., 120.00 to 124.50 (122.23); 3 head, 610 lbs., 123.50 Mexican origin; 10 head, 676 to 690 lbs., 120.00 to 130.50 (125.77); 6 head, 700 to 707 lbs., 118.00 to 120.00 (118.67); 3 head, 701 lbs., 109.00 Mexican origin; 9 head, 768 lbs., 118.50; 3 head, 913 lbs., 100.00. Medium and large frame 2 to 3, 2 head, 727 lbs., 95.00; 4 head, 773 lbs., 103.00. Small and medium frame 2, 4 head, 461 lbs., 131.50; 3 head, 546 lbs., 115.00. Dairy steers, large frame 3, 17 head, 472 lbs., 65.50; 14 head, 511 to 544 lbs., 65.50 to 68.00 (67.49); 1 head, 645 lbs., 63.00; 1 head, 765 lbs., 63.00; 2 head, 1030 lbs., 52.00.

Feeder heifers: Medium and large frame 1, 2 head, 305 to 330 lbs., 160.00 to 165.00 (162.60); 4 head, 351 to 360 lbs., 151.00 to 156.00 (152.27); 10 head, 417 to 432 lbs., 146.00 to 151.00 (149.63); 6 hed, 465 to 497 lbs., 134.50 to 147.00 (138.48); 10 head, 510 to 513 lbs., 130.50 to 136.50 (134.71); 10 head, 556 to 580 lbs., 124.50 to 128.00 (125.86); 28 head, 604 to 627 lbs., 123.50 to 126.00 (124.78); 10 head, 684 lbs., 120.00; 20 head, 722 lbs., 120.25; 3 head, 803 lbs., 110.00. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 3 head, 376 lbs., 150.00; 7 head, 405 to 441 lbs., 138.00 to 140.00 (138.27); 2 head, 497 lbs., 133.50; 32 head, 659 to 690 lbs., 117.50 to 120.00 (117.96); 30 head, 726 to 732 lbs., 110.00 to 115.00 (113.78); 17 head, 752 to 795 lbs., 103.00 to 110.00 (107.02). Medium and large frame 2, 5 head, 425 to 426 lbs., 136.00 to 138.00 (137.20); 2 head, 470 lbs., 130.00; 7 head, 557 lbs., 126.00; 2 head, 642 lbs., 109.00; 59 head, 673 to 696 lbs., 103.25 to 110.25 (107.10). Small and medium frame 1 to 2, 25 head, 565 to 571 lbs., 114.00 to 119.50 (114.65). Small and medium frame 2, 4 head, 442 lbs., 110.00; 21 head, 491 lbs., 110.00; 2 head, 545 lbs., 115.00; 24 head, 560 to 593 lbs., 101.00 to 110.00 (108.21); 3 head, 658 lbs., 102.00; 4 head, 776 lbs., 101.00.

Feeder bulls: Medium and large frame 1, 5 head, 872 lbs., 80.00; 1 head, 940 lbs., 72.00. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 2 head, 802 lbs., 80.00; 2 head, 940 lbs., 70.00. Medium and large frame 2, 2 head, 687 lbs., 103.00,

Slaughter cattle: Cows, Breaker, 75 to 80%, 3 head, 1465 to 1900 lbs., 50.00 to 50.50 (50.19) average dressing. Boner, 80 to 85%, 21 head, 955 to 1655 lbs., 53.00 to 58.75 (55.22) average; 1 head, 1355 lbs., 60.00 high; 6 head, 975 to 1420 lbs., 50.75 to 52.50 (52.05) low. Lean, 85 to 90%, 17 head, 940 to 1455 lbs., 53.00 to 59.00 (56.60) average; 1 head, 1160 lbs., 60.00 high; 8 head, 855 to 1240 lbs., 50.00 to 52.50 (50.89) low. Bulls 1 to 2, 3 head, 1395 to 2075 lbs., 72.50 to 77.50 (75.20) average; 1 head, 1970 lbs., 88.00 high; 4 head, 1180 to 1375 lbs., 60.00 to 70.00 (66.45) low.

Replacement cattle: Bred cows, medium and large frame 1 to 2, per head/estimated weight, 2 to 8 years old, 1st trimester, 8 head, 1300 lbs., 1150.00; 2 to 8 years old, 2nd trimester, 1 head, 1150 lbs., 800.00; 2 to 8 years old, 3rd trimester, 1 head, 1250 lbs., 835.00. Medium and large frame 2, 2 to 8 years old, 1st trimester, 1 head, 1025 lbs., 600.00. Large frame 1, 2 to 4 years old, 2nd trimester, 4 head, 1747 lbs., 2450.00; 2 to 8 years old, 1st trimester, 2 head, 1500 lbs., 1250.00; 2 to 8 years old, 3rd trimester, 3 head, 1400lbs., 2750.00. Small and medium frame 1 to 2, 2 to 4 yers old, 1st trimester, 1 head, 800 lbs., 450.00. Small and medium frame 2, 2 to 4 years old, 3rd trimester, 2 head, 850 lbs., 400.00; over 8 years old, 1st trimester, 1 head, 840 lbs., 435.00.

Cow-calf pairs: Medium and large frame 1 with under 150 pounds calf, per family/estimated weight, 2 to 8 years old, open, 6 head, 1300 lbs., 2550.00. Medium and large frame 1 with 150 to 300 pounds calf, 2 to 8 years old, open, 4 head, 1300 lbs., 1850.00; 2 to 8 years old, 1st trimester, 6 head, 1275 lbs., 2350.00; 5 to 8 years old, open, 4 head, 1300 lbs., 1850.00. Medium and large frame 1 to 2 with under 150 pounds calf, 2 to 4 years old, open, 4 head, 1050 to 1225 lbs., 1275.00 to 1400.00 (1368.75); 2 to 4 years old, open, 1 head, 750 lbs., 825.00 thin fleshed; 2 to 8 years old, open, 1 head, 1000 lbs., 910.00; 5 to 8 years old, open, 1 head, 1100 lbs., 1200.00; over 8 years old, open, 4 head, 900 lbs., thin fleshed. Medium and large frame 1 to 2 with 150 to 300 pounds calf, 2 to 8 years old, open, 1 head, 1050 lbs., 1325.00; over 8 years old, open, 1 head, 1100 lbs., 1125.00. Medium and large frame 2 with 150 to 300 pounds calf, 2 to 8 years old, open, 1 head, 950 lbs., 760.00. Large frame 1 with under 150 pounds calf, 2 to 4 years old, open, 1 head, 1695 lbs., 2450.00. Large frame 1 with over 300 pounds calf, 2 to 8 years old, open 42 head, 1550 lbs., 1875.00. Small and medium frame 1 to 2 with under 150 pounds calf, 2 to 8 years old, open, 1 head, 950 lbs., 800.00. Small and medium frame 1 to 2 with 150 to 300 pounds calf, 2 to 4 years old, open, 1 head, 750 lbs., 800.00. Small and medium frame 2 with 150 to 300 pounds calf, 2 to 4 years old, open, 1 head, 850 lbs., 650.00. Bulls, medium and large frame 1, per head/estimated weight, 1 head, 1280 lbs., 1750.00.