Clovis cattle auction report

Clovis Livestock Auction, Clovis, New Mexico, reported receipts of 2,150 head of cattle selling in preliminary receipts filed on March 11, compared to 2,715 head on March 4, according to the USDA-New Mexico Department of Agriculture Market News, Portales, New Mexico.

The estimated receipts included 2,095 head of feeder cattle and 55 head of slaughter cattle compared to a week ago’s final total of 2,187 head of feeder cattle, 170 head of slaughter cattle and 358 head of replacement cattle. Compared to previous week, the steers were mostly selling $5 to $8 lower. The heifers were mostly selling $7 to $10 lower. The ripple effect of large declines in the CME cattle contracts and other financial markets throughout the week have made there way into the auction barns as buyers seem hesitant. The trading activity and demand were moderate. Several large loads of high quality cattle were straight off the wheat were on offer. The slaughter cows and bulls were not reported. The supply included 97% feeder cattle with an estimated 57% steers, 42% were heifers and 1% were bulls; and 3% was slaughter cattle with 100% cows. The feeder cattle supply weighing over 600 pounds was 56%.