Kansas Soybean Commission to meet March 27

The Kansas Soybean Commission has decided to conduct its regular meeting March 27 virtually. It will begin at 8 a.m.

During that meeting, the commissioners will discuss nominees for the United Soybean Board, and they will submit a preferred candidate’s and an alternate’s names to the U.S. Department of Agriculture in May. The Soybean Promotion, Research and Consumer Information Act authorized the national board, and the secretary of agriculture appoints members from the soybean farmers that qualified state soybean boards nominate. The eventual appointee will serve a three-year term beginning in December.

For more details about the position, including the commission’s plan to reach diverse candidates, eligible farmers should call 877-KS-SOYBEAN (877-577-6923) or visit http://KansasSoybeans.org/forms on the web.

The commission also will discuss current and future research projects, market-development activities, educational programs, and administrative items. The commissioners may go into executive session to discuss confidential contractual matters. To obtain a complete agenda, suggest additional topics for deliberation, or for the information to connect to the meeting, contact KSC Administrator Kenlon Johannes at johannes@kansassoybeans.org or call the Kansas Soybean office.