New tool available for wine grape growers

A new tool is available for wine grape growers around the state to help identify potential problems—the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Grapevine Disorders Pocket Guide for Growers in Texas.

Michael Cook, AgriLife Extension viticulture specialist, Denton, said the pocket guide was a collaborative effort by AgriLife Extension viticulture team members around the state. It is designed to help vineyard owners and managers make initial assessments as they scout vines.

The guide covers a range of diseases, including black rot and Pierce’s disease, and pests like green June beetles and berry moths, with photos and commentary containing information to help the reader correctly assess the potential problem.

The field guide also covers a number of environmental symptomologies such as hail damage, sunburn, drought stress and other potential harms to vines and grapes, he said. It also provides identification for beneficial insects that can be mistaken as harmful.

This guide comes in a durable 4-inch-by-6-inch print copy with waterproof covers and metal bindings designed to be thrown in a farm truck or ATV while scouting in the vineyard, Cook said. It can be purchased online at the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension bookstore at or at any major AgriLife Extension viticulture events. Cost is $30.

Cook said viticulture continues to grow in Texas. Just last year, the number of wineries grew from around 520 to 600. The viticulture team reported at least a few hundred new acres of wine grapes were being planted this spring due to grower expansion or new growers.