Pratt cattle auction results

Pratt Livestock, Pratt, Kansas, reported estimated receipts of 4,500 head selling on March 26, compared to 1,328 head trading March 19 and 4,550 head selling a year ago, according to USDA-Kansas Department of Agriculture Market News, Dodoge City, Kansas.

Compared to a week ago, the feeder steers were selling mostly $8 to $11 higher with instances trading $14 to $18 higher on thinner reputation cattle. The heifers were selling mostly $2 to $3 higher using limited comparable weights. It was too early to establish a market trend on calves. The demand was good to very good and the quality was average to attractive. The supply included 100% feeder cattle with 46% steers and 54% were heifers. The feeder cattle supply weighing over 600 pounds was 96%.

Feeder steers: Medium and large frame 1, per hundredweight/actual weight, 19 head, 467 to 494 lbs., 179.00 to 183.00 (180.01); 46 head, 562 to 587 lbs., 168.00 to 168.50 (168.13); 79 head, 620 to 649 lbs., 153.75 to 156.00 (154.89); 167 head, 655 to 697 lbs., 147.50 to 155.50 (150.64); 116 head, 729 to 745 lbs., 139.00 to 143.50 (141.67); 107 head, 752 to 763 lbs., 133.50 to 144.50 (143.39); 256 head, 815 to 848 lbs., 119.00 to 135.50 (131.07); 277 head, 851 to 883 lbs., 121.00 to 138.10 (130.08); 75 head, 902 to 921 lbs., 110.00 to 110.50 (110.29); 94 head, 934 lbs., 133.10, fancy; 110 head, 962 to 970 lbs., 108.50 to 122.00 (115.40); 51 head, 964 lbs., 103.50, fleshy; 115 head, 1001 to 1030 lbs., 114.50 to 115.75 (115.13).

Feeder heifers: Medium and large frame 1, 31 head, 541 to 549 lbs., 144.00 to 154.00 (148.83); 26 head, 555 to 566 lbs., 143.00 to 146.00 (145.43); 132 head, 611 to 647 lbs., 132.50 to 139.50 (136.63); 39 head, 666 to 675 lbs., 126.00 to 136.00 (132.89); 255 head, 703 to 740 lbs., 117.00 to 125.75 (120.76); 434 head, 754 to 797 lbs., 114.75 to 127.00 (120.75); 58 head, 770 lbs., 112.50, fleshy; 516 head, 800 to 841 lbs., 112.00 to 117.75 (115.02); 122 head, 895 to 898 lbs., 111.50 to 112.00 (111.75); 136 head, 904 to 936 lbs., 103.50 to 110.00 (108.25).