Kansas Corn STEM brings science home with continuous learning lessons

Kansas Corn STEM’s continuous learning resources provide at-home learning resources to be used by teachers and students while schools are closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. These free resources can be found in the kansascornstem.com lesson library and can be used online or printed for use in packets for off-line learning. The Kansas Corn STEM continuous learning lessons help students learn about science and agriculture using tools like virtual breakout box activities, videos and at-home experiments that can be done with household items. Several resources are already available at kansascornstem.com, and more will be added through the end of the school year.

“Our team of Kansas teachers were excited to build new lessons for continuous learning, and we are adding more lessons as we go through this period of at-home learning. These lessons are tailored specifically for at-home use, and are a great resource for teachers, parents and students who are continuing their education efforts at home during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Kansas Corn Director of Education Sharon Thielen, Ph.D., said.

Kansas Corn STEM is the award-winning education program of the Kansas Corn Commission. It encompasses educational programs that provide lessons for teachers from the elementary level to the high school level. The materials can be used to help K-12 educators teach science using the topics of corn, biotechnology, ethanol, soil and water.

“Our education team continues to innovate with these new offerings,” Kansas Corn CEO Greg Krissek said. “Teachers, parents and students are looking for engaging STEM lessons that can be used at home, and we have the resources they need.”

Kansas Corn STEM contracts with lead teachers, inquiry ambassadors, agriculture education science trainers, curriculum writers, designers and education experts to provide lessons designed to meet Next Generation Science Standards.

“Going forward, these new resources enhance our current on-line educational lessons and labs and will have continued value both in conventional classrooms as well as home-school settings,” Thielen said.

In the last year, Kansas Corn STEM’s curriculum, training and materials reached over 51,000 Kansas students and teachers. In the current school year, the program is predicted to double its reach in Kansas schools. As the STEM program has continued to grow, the vision to continue expanding the program has continued to develop.

Learn more at kansascornstem.com.