Oklahoma Extension services continue
More than 100 years of science-based, community service by Oklahoma State University Extension will continue unabated through the challenges presented by the novel coronavirus pandemic, Associate Vice President for OSU Extension Damona Doye said.
Many Extension offices, which can be found in all 77 of the state’s counties, have been directed by state and local authorities to close their doors and cancel face-to-face meetings to protect the health of Extension personnel and the public. However, true to their spirit of commitment, those workers are making themselves available electronically via social media, teleconferences, phone calls and texting.
The Extension website at https://extension.okstate.edu provides a wealth of educational content designed especially for Oklahomans, such as guidance on crops and livestock, gardening and insects, health and nutrition, and 4-H and family. The site also has more than 1,000 fact sheets tailored to state residents.
Oklahoma Gardening and SUNUP television shows have adapted production as well. Thousands of videos are available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/OklahomaGardening and https://www.youtube.com/SUNUPTV.