High Plains cattle sales report

The High Plains weekly weighted average direct slaughter cattle report indicated receipts of 25,378 head of cattle selling the week ending on Arpil 5, compared to 89,505 head the previous week and 69,406 head a year ago, according to the USDA Livestock, Poultry and Grain Market News Division, St. Joseph, Missouri.

The report was based on sales from Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Iowa and Minnesota feedlots.

Steers: Live FOB basis, over 80% Choice, 5,314 head, 1,350 to 1,640 lbs., 105.00 to 112.00 (110.83); 65 to 80% Choice, 3,404 head, 1,250 to 1,577 lb.s, 105.00 to 113.00 (111.31); 35 to 65% Choice, 309 head, 1,250 to 1,425 lbs., 112.00 to 113.00 (112.63). Live delivered basis, over 80% Choice, 12 head, 1,425 lbs., 112.00; 65 to 80% Choice, 311 head, 1,435 lbs., 114.00. Dressed delivered basis, over 80% Choice, 4,003 head, 800 to 995 lbs., 175.00 to 180.00 (178.49); 65 to 80% Choice, 1,663 head, 831 to 977 lbs., 165.00 to 180.00 (172.89); 35 to 65% Choice, 158 head, 867 lbs., 180.00.

Heifers: Live FOB basis, over 80% Choice, 1,683 head, 1,185 to 1,425 lbs., 105.00 to 122.00 (110.85); 65 to 80% Choice, 1,004 head, 1,150 to 1,265 lbs., 105.00 to 113.00 (110.48); 35 to 65% Choice, 145 head, 1,225 lbs., 112.00. Live delivered basis, over 80% Choice, 1,923 head, 1,350 to 1,370 lbs., 113.75 to 114.00 (113.99). Dressed delivered basis, over 80% Choice, 1,899 head, 788 to 906 lbs., 178.00 to 180.00 (179.83).