Pratt feeder cattle sale results

Pratt Livestock, Pratt, Kansas, reported receipts of 3,000 head selling on April 9, compared to 6,530 head trading April 2 and 3,265 head selling a year ago, according to USDA-Kansas Department of Agriculture Market News, Dodge City, Kansas.

Compared to a week ago, feeder steers were selling mostly $10 to $12 higher, heifers were trading mostly $6 to $9 higher. Weaned steer calves were selling $4 to $7 lower on limited comparable weights. There were not enough heifer calves of comparable weights for an accurate market trend, but a lower undertone was noted. Demand was good, quality was mostly average. Supply included: 100% feeder cattle (62% steers, 38% heifers). Feeder cattle supply over 600 pounds was 85%.

Feeder steers: Medium and large frame 1, per hundredweight/actual weight, 3 head, 395 lbs., 188.00; 9 head, 414 to 437 lbs., 180.00 to 194.00 (187.59); 20 head, 406 lbs., 203.00, thin fleshed; 61 head, 473 to 495 lbs., 166.00 to 174.00 (169.36); 29 head, 509 to 530 lbs., 157.50 to 163.00 (159.55); 6 head, 519 lbs., 142.00, unweaned; 41 head, 553 to 583 lbs., 150.00 to 159.00 (155.07); 61 head, 609 to 645 lbs., 150.50 to 164.50 (163.05); 38 head, 661 to 692 lbs., 146.00 to 149.00 (147.64); 22 head, 700 to 707 lbs., 136.00 to 137.00 (136.23); 35 head, 755 to 763 lbs., 120.00 to 123.00 (122.23); 260 head, 800 to 841 lbs., 104.50 to 122.25 (112.31); 271 head, 856 to 898 lbs., 106.50 to 121.50 (115.75); 176 head, 906 to 935 lbs., 107.50 to 117.75 (114.42); 289 head, 950 to 983 lbs., 96.00 to 109.35 (104.17); 89 head, 1028 to 1046 lbs., 97.50 to 100.00 (98.83); 140 head, 1070 to 1078 lbs., 98.00 to 98.25 (98.08). Medium and large frame 1 to 2, per hundredweight/actual weight, 6 head, 469 lbs., 155.00.

Feeder heifers: Medium and large frame 1, per hundredweight/actual weight, 24 head, 387 to 395 lbs., 162.00 to 164.50 (163.45); 9 head, 381 lbs., 154.00, fleshy; 59 head, 418 to 449 lbs., 142.00 to 154.75 (151.65); 19 head, 475 to 480 lbs., 144.00 to 147.50 (146.04); 8 head, 476 lbs., 125.00, unweaned; 23 head, 502 to 538 lbs., 132.00; 39 head, 581 to 592 lbs., 125.50 to 141.00 (133.87); 44 head, 626 to 643 lbs., 131.25 to 137.00 (133.23); 53 head, 650 to 676 lbs., 127.50 to 130.50 (129.26); 85 head, 710 to 745 lbs., 112.50 to 117.00 (115.39); 209 head, 770 to 798 lbs., 107.00 to 109.75 (109.09); 202 head, 811 to 849 lbs., 96.00 to 110.25 (103.00); 75 head, 851 to 884 lbs., 103.25 to 107.50 (106.62); 46 head, 903 to 941 lbs., 90.50 to 100.25 (96.13); 24 head, 954 lbs., 91.00; 3 head, 1026 lbs., 82.00. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, per hundredweight/actual weight, 9 head, 417 lbs., 135.50; 8 head, 484 lbs., 134.50.