National Sorghum Producers announce 2020 Sorghum Yield Contest

National Sorghum Producers will begin accepting entries for the 2020 National Sorghum Producers Yield Contest. Yield contestants are split into east and west regions for each division. Contest divisions include irrigated, dryland no-till and dryland tillage, and one winner is selected for the food grade division. 

“The yield contest is an integral part of establishing a notable reputation for sorghum growers in the grain industry and recognizing their yield achievements,” NSP CEO Tim Lust said. “We anticipate a strong level of entries for the upcoming contest and look forward to setting a new high standard for contests to come.”

The goal of the yield contest is to increase grower yields, transfer knowledge between growers to enhance management and identify sorghum producers who excel in each state and throughout the country. In order to enroll, each contestant must be a paid NSP member at the time of entry. More than one member of a family may enroll, but each member must have a separate membership. 

Entry forms must be completed and submitted 10 days prior to harvest, and all forms must be emailed no later than Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2020. All entries will be reviewed and divisions will be placed off of yield only. National and state winners will be recognized at the 2021 Commodity Classic in San Antonio, Texas, March 4 to 6.

For entry form, 2020 yield contest rule changes and more information, interested contestants can visit or contact NSP Director of Operations Garrett Mink at 806-749-3478.