Ranchers Leasing Workshop goes online
“Given the popularity of our live Ranchers Leasing Workshop events, we receive more requests for and interest in programs than we are able to conduct each year,” said Tiffany Dowell Lashmet, AgriLife Extension agriculture law specialist, Amarillo.
“With that in mind, we have spent the past several months developing an online course that will allow people to receive the same information presented during our live workshops from the comfort of their own home, anytime, at their own pace,” she said.
The online course, which is available at https://agrilifelearn.tamu.edu/product?catalog=AGEC-002,
gives participants access to the full leasing workshop anytime they want to watch. The cost is $75.
Participants will be able to download the Ranchers’ Agricultural Leasing Handbook, which contains checklists and sample lease language. If they want the hard copy for $25, they can order one by contacting Lacrecia Garza at Lacrecia.garza@ag.tamu.edu.