Iowa Beef Checkoff introduces directory to connect beef producer to local buyers

The Iowa Beef Industry Council announced the launch of a local beef directory to connect beef producers with local buyers. This pandemic has ushered in a renewed interest in food security and ignited an increased interest from consumers to purchase beef directly from farmers. The Iowa Local Beef Directory will provide resources in helping shoppers navigate the buying process and connecting potential buyers to sellers.

“We have recently noticed an uptick in the frequency of producer inquiries searching for resources related to directly marketing beef. Furthermore, with supermarkets and grocery stores experiencing intermittent disruptions in availability of beef, we felt we had to do something to address the marketplace needs,” says Janine Moore, IBIC chairman. “We understand this isn’t a solution that addresses all the challenges we face today but it’s a positive step forward in building a connection with beef farmers and shoppers.”

Iowa beef producers interested in submitting their information for listing can do so by visiting the Iowa Local Beef Directory submission page on the Raising Beef tab at The form allows producers to self-list to the directory, which will be housed on the IBIC website.

Iowa beef producers proudly raise some of the world’s highest quality beef in a responsible and sustainable manner yielding mouth-watering beef destined for consumers across the globe. We want to make sure Iowa beef lovers are able to capitalize on that experience and we believe this initiative will help make that connection.

Listings will include farm name, contact name, city, additional certifications and website links so consumers can contact farmers directly. Questions received by IBIC regarding specific businesses will be directed back to the company.

For more information contact IBIC’s Director of Industry Relations, Casey Allison at